Like the ecosystems we help restore, our work depends on relationships to thrive. They say that team work makes the dream work. Our dream is a thriving planet for all species. Our partnerships are what make that possible.
We believe that collaborative, local community-led conservation action is the key to successful and enduring change.
We are active members, and sometimes leaders, of critical alliances working to prioritize and protect biodiversity on a global level. We’re focused on conserving biodiversity, ending extinction, cultivating leadership, and protecting and restoring globally important wildlands.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network, composed of both government and civil society organisations. We work closely with the following IUCN groups to leverage wildlife and wildland conservation impact globally.
Our Fiscal Sponsorship program provides administrative services and oversight, and assumes legal and financial responsibility for organizations, groups, and individuals engaged in work that furthers Re:wild’s mission. We often serve as an incubator and accelerator for conservation action around the world and provide a platform to bring visibility to solutions and best practices. If you are interested in exploring the fiscal sponsor model with Re:wild, please contact us at
Re:wild is honored to work with local organizations and Indigenous peoples who know the ecosystems and species they live among best.
Aichi Biodiversity Target 12
Alliance for Zero Extinction
African Primatological Society
Alianza Ceibo
Amas la Sierra
Amazon Biodiversity Center
IPAM Amazônia
Amazon Frontlines
American Bird Conservancy
Amphibian Ark
Amphibian Survival Alliance
Andes Amazon Fund
Anguilla National Trust
Aotearoa Foundation
Association des Guides d'Andasibe
Association Fanamby
Atelopus Survival Initiative
Atlas Technology Group
Aussie Ark
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Bach Ma National Park
Bahamas National Trust
Baird’s Tapir Survival Alliance
Belize Audubon
Belize Fisheries Department
Belize Forest Department
Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center
BirdLife International
Borneo Nature Foundation
Bristol Zoological Society
Bush Heritage
California Wildlife Center
Carbon Cycle Institute
Center for Large Landscape Conservation
Center for the Conservation of Tropical Ungulates
Central American Commission for Environment and Development
Centre ValBio
Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas de la Universidad de San Carlos
Centro K’ayra/Museo de Historia Natural Alcide d’Orbigny
Chester Zoo
Colombian Herpetological Society
Colombian Initiative of Tapir Conservation
Colombian National Parks Authority
Colorado Plateau Foundation
Colossal Foundation
Comite Civico Del Valle
Community Baboon Sanctuary
Congo Basin Institute
Conservación Amazónica - ACCA
Conservation International
Conservation International Bolivia
Costa Rica Wildlife Foundation
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
D’Aboville Foundation
Defenders of Wildlife
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Philippines)
Digital Democracy
Dublin Zoo
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Ecology Trust
Energy Independence Now (EIN)
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Awareness Group
European Commission
European Union
Forests for Life
Fauna & Flora International
Fauna & Flora - Vietnam
FKL (Leuser Conservation Forum)
For the Fishes
Forest & Bird
Foundation for Wildlife Conservation
Fundacion Atelopus
Fundación Geoversity
Fundación Jocotoco
Fundación Rewilding Argentina
Fundacion Wirakoku
George Adamson African Wildlife Preservation Trust
Give Clearwater
Global Environment Facility
Global Fishing Watch
GRACE Gorillas
GRID Alternatives LA
Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche sur les Primates de Madagascar (GERP)
Haiti National Trust
HAkA (Forest Nature and Environment Aceh)
Helena Institute for Nature
Houston Zoo
Indigenous Climate Action
Indonesian Ministry of the Environment
Instituto Araguaia
Instituto Socioambiental
International Anti-Poaching Foundation (IAPF)
International Conservation Fund of Canada
International Rhino Foundation
Island Conservation
IUCN SOS Lemur Fund
IUCN Species Survival Commission
IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group
IUCN SSC Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP)
IUCN SSC Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group
IUCN SSC Climate Change Specialist Group
IUCN SSC Large-antlered Muntjac Working Group
IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group
IUCN SSC PSG Section on Great Apes
IUCN SSC PSG Section on Small Apes
IUCN SSC Saola Working Group
IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group
IUCN SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group
Jamaica Environment Trust
Jane Goodall Institute
Kaha Kamasa Foundation
Key Biodiversity Area Partnership
Kriol community
LA Compost
La Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras
LEAF (Leuser Ecosystem Action Fund)
Land is Life
Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
Lemur Conservation Fund
Leon Levy Botanical Garden
Liberty Hill Foundation
Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership (MBP)
Margot Marsh Biodiversity Fund
Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust
Mesoamerican Alliance for People and Forests (AMPB)
MBCFI (Mindoro Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park
Muriqui Instituto de Biodiversidade
Muriqui Project of Caratinga
Museo de Historia Natural Alcide d'Oribgny
National Geographic Society
National Wildlife Federation
Native Renewables
Natural Resources Defense Council
NDN Collective
New Zealand Department of Conservation
Next Foundation
Northern Rangelands Trust
Oceans 5 Collaborative
The Orangutan Project
Our Children's Trust
Pacific Wolf Coalition
Peregrine Fund (Madagascar)
Peruvian Herpetological Society
The Pine Ridge Girls School (Anpo Wicahpi)
Predator Free 2050 Ltd.
Preserve Muriqui
Primate Action Fund
PROCAT Colombia
Programme for Belize
R20 - Regions of Climate Action
Rainforest Action Network
Rainforest Foundation Norway
Rainforest Trust
Rama community
Rama-Kriol Territorial Government
Red Colobus Conservation Network
The Regeneration Project and National Interfaith Power & Light Campaign
Rewilding Argentina
Royal Society for Protection of Birds
San Diego Zoo Global
Save Vietnam’s Wildlife
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Sequoia ForestKeeper
Shark Conservation Fund
Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition
Small Wild Cat Conservation Foundation
Solutions Project
Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission
Southern Institute of Ecology
SOCP (Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme)
Sumatran Orangutan Society
Sumatran Rhino Survival Alliance
Synchronicity Earth
Tamaraw Conservation Program
The Tashinga Initiative
Te Rūnanga Arowhenua
Te Rūnanga Moeraki
Te Rūnanga Waihao
Tetiaroa Society
Trillion Trees
Tsavo Trust
Turtle Conservancy
Turtle Survival Alliance
United Tribes of Bristol Bay
Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense
University of Maryland
University of Belize Environmental Research Institute
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Urban Fishing Cat Project
US Fish and Wildlife
Utah Diné Bikéyah
Vinh University
Virunga National Park
Whitley Fund for Nature
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Wildlife Conservation Network
World Land Trust
World Wildlife Fund
Wroclaw Zoo
WWF Vietnam
Zambezi Elephant Fund
Zapata Breeding Facility
Zero Poaching Toolkit
Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority
Zoo New England